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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

The ephemeral point of sale’s atmospheric dimensions.

Published: May 27, 2020


Ghalia BOUSTANI, Paris 1 Panthéon sorbonne ; Jean-François LEMOINE, Paris 1 Panthéon sorbonne


Ephemeral retail; pop-up stores; ephemeral store atmosphere


Although the traditional point of sale’s atmospheres has been the subject of several academic research since Baker's identification in 1987, very little research was interested in studying the ephemeral store atmospheres. To fill this gap, this research was interested in understanding whether ephemeral store atmospheres have the same dimensions as those identified for traditional stores. We highlighted new dimensions relative to ephemeral store atmospheres out of 27 semi-structured interviews conducted with French brand managers; these dimensions are conviviality, participation and « rendez-vous ».